Category: The Trip Plan
Day 26 and a day for sightseeing.
Day 25 arrived in Saint Petersburg around 4pm
Late start as we didn’t wake up until 9.30, after a great sleep. By the time we’d cooked porridge, packed everything up, collected the washing, which has been hanging on a line in the forest overnight and Dennis had given the old girl a clean, it was almost midday before…
Day 24. Sunday 10th. 240k’s from St Petersburg
We have found a lovely spot to camp this evening. It’s about 100m from the main road through a band of fir trees and about another 50m to the railway line and we are camped between. Fortunately there is not much traffic noise reaching us and the railway line has…
Day 23 Saturday 9th June, in a bush mosquito infested camp approx 680k’s from St Petersburg
A great night’s sleep. It’s heaven in our wagon. Well, today is a very special day. It’s Georgia’s birthday. Georgia is one of our eight grandchildren. Georgia is a whole 10 today. She is a beautiful and very talented young lady. She is the daughter of my eldest daughter Deirdre…
Day 22 Lovozero to a Bush camp on the Murmansk – St Petersburg road.
Day 21 from Murmansk to Lovozero
Day 20. Challenges first thing.
Day 19 Shopping, Sightseeing and Relaxing in Murmansk.
Day 18. Hooray!! We are in Russia and a scrumptious hotel in Murmansk
I wouldn’t be making an overstatement if I said we are delighted to be here. What an interesting day! Jen had been reading that you could buy vehicle insurance for Russia, at the border. Well, on arriving at the Norwegian border, Jen asked if this was possible, to be told,…