Day 241. Sunday, 20th August, 2023. Still resting at Audi Camp in Maun.

Apologies, not much excitement today. We are thoroughly enjoying our break from the road for a few days.

We did venture out this morning. Detaching the Caranex and leaving it, looking a bit forlorn, but safe, at the campsite. It is a 10 km ride into the centre of Maun. Maun is a bit strung out along the roadside, but there is a large central shopping mall. 

First, though, we looked for Riley’s Auto Zone. It had been recommended for purchasing oil and a new oil filter. Being Sunday it was closed, but we wanted to know where it was, so we can quickly visit on Monday morning. 

Then back to the shopping mall where there is a large Spar supermarket. Having learned that English couple, Nicky and Dave, were robbed of their cameras in Maun, we have decided to take security a bit more seriously. Having been on the road for such a long time, I think we have become a bit complacent. Nicky and Dave were having lunch in a restaurant with their Hilux parked outside. The locks were picked and their cameras taken. Now one of us will remain in Poki, while the other goes shopping.

It was a well stocked supermarket so I managed to get everything on my list, except a cucumber and whole oats. There are plenty of oats available, but they are mixed with something else, maybe ground maize, but it completely alters the taste and we don’t like it. We only have about 3 more days supply, so not sure what we will do when that runs out.

Back at the campsite we packed everything away, had a salad for lunch and as the afternoon was very warm, decided the best place to spend it was at the pool.

Dinner invitation.

In the evening Harry and Chloe invited us to come up to their campsite where they were having a fire. We, plus Kez and Troy, would all bring our own meals, but eat together. When we arrived Rafferty, our neighbours, Laura and Keith’s, 9 year old son was also part of the party. Joining in the conversation on an equal level and leading it to everyone’s amusement. He is a very bright boy.

It was a fun evening. Lots of stories and laughs about our various travel experiences. I hope we didn’t keep too many people awake with our hilarity. On campsites everyone retires early. It was only about 9.30pm when we returned to Poki, to find we had left all the doors open, the pots unwashed and food stuff left out. 

Trying to restore order, Dennis passed me an empty polystyrene tray to put into the rubbish bag. I looked at it twice, realising it shouldn’t have been empty. I had only used half the mincemeat we had purchased earlier. There are cats roaming the campsite. Obviously one of them had a very good dinner.

Views: 48


  1. Harry Shipton

    We didn’t realise your food was taken! 😂
    It was such a wonderful evening. Thanks for joining us

    • Hi Guy’s, no problem. The cat would have been delighted. 🙂

      Yes, great evening and would be excellent to repeat at some time.

      Dennis & Jen

      PS. We are catching up with your latest video’s. Impressive.

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