Day 10 – from just north of Lillehammer to just north of Trondheim

Another cracking day dawned. On the road by 10ish. Yesterday we programmed an alternative road into the Sat Nav to the  E6, which it seems is the longest road in one country in Europe. Anyway, the alternative proved to be a brilliant choice. A Long climb up onto a plateau with spectacular scenery. For the Kiwi readers, a bit like the Desert Road but on steroids. It’s hard to avoid using superlatives about this country. Sparkling lakes, bubbling streams, a lovely winding narrow road and the occasional “Kommune” or cluster of picturesque chalets with grass roofs. Overall a sense of space and wide vista, meadows, stunted alpine forests and snow patches to set the scene. .

En route to Trondheim we stopped to refill the tank and 66L was something like NZ$200!!!  The good news though is that the Landy is doing 29mpg which is pretty pleasing, given the load and rooftop obstructions.

Excellent Supermarket..:)

So, we are parked in a campsite not too far from a main road and Jen is on the job concocting a masterpiece for dinner on a petrol cooker. A visit to a supermarket saw a purchase of four items bread, tomatoes, lettuce and a cucumber…..NZ$30!!! Alright if you are on bankers wages but poor pensioners!!

I am not to going to harp on the about the starting issue but suffice to say we are pushing north in the hope that one of the northern cities or towns will provide a solution, rather than sit around Trondheim for the weekend. The programme has us crossing into Russia in 6 days.

Oh, a mention about wifi in Norway. We are rarely without it, no matter how remote. The UK could take a leaf out of the Norwegian’s book. Coverage in the UK is abysmal. And another observation, this must be the biggest market for Tesla cars outside of California?

Views: 49


  1. Hi. Roy again. Tips for you is to fill up every water-reservoir in your Landy while in Norway. Another tips if you need to buy some food or other drinks , visit as you did today the shops name KIWI , they are good on sortiment and carry low prices. Weather forecast , now cold , windy and rain in North Norway. But during a few days will be warmer and sunshine. Whole day !! I enjoy reading your travel updates. Wish you both a safe and fun trip on. Regards Roy.

    • Hi Roy, thanks for the tips. Yes, we found the KIWI supermarkets better value. We can understand that..:)
      The warm duvet has come down off the roof in anticipation for the colder weather but we certainly have been spoiled so far.
      Like you say, it’s a gorgeous evening here in a small camp site south of Mo-I-Rana.



    • Haere Mai, Roy, thank you for taking time to stop and chat with us. We have left Norway now but enjoyed the limited interaction we had with you and your people. Also for their generosity and good humour. Your country is amazing too.


      Dennis & Jen

  2. Norway never had the benefit of Baroness Thatcher
    Keep rolling. The LR won’t let you down

    • Hi Lindsay, laughing…yes, seems to be very community and people focused here. Some amazing roadworks under way north of Trondheim.

      Wagon going beautifully. I’m in love with the off-beat 5cylinder. Don’t tell Jen..:)

  3. I cant believe the weather you are having in Norway, I dont think I saw the tops of the mountains in the whole trip. I dont know what your plans are but one highlight of my trip was travelling along the Lofoten Island chain which you do by ferry from Bodo.
    The house is fine, am checking it two or three times a week.

    • Hi Ash. Indeed, what a difference the sun makes. Thanks for the tip. Much will depend on our next move to have the starting fixed. William, the mechanic at BilXtra in Kongsberg is trying to help us with contacts in the north. He is amazing.

      Thanks for the checks but don’t go out of your way. read that the Basement cinema in Rotoru was flooded!!

      How’s the logging going?

      Us 🙂

  4. Hi!Austin, Thanks for your comments. Sadly it had been intercepted and considered Spam. Please keep in touch.



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