We had a mosquito infestation last night. Putting netting on the front door windows before heading to ablution block, but leaving the back door open, was not the smartest move. Hence during the night, the mozzies took their toll.
Somewhat consequently we awoke bright and early at 9am!! You couldn’t say we do early starts..:)
With very little food left in the larder. Arriving Sunday with the village closed and not moving from the camp Monday, meant we had to eat our porridge this morning without strawberries and blueberries!
Once packed and at reception by 11am, checked messages on their email server, as Jen could not get a wifi signal on her phone.
It’s a much cooler morning, predicted to reach 35deg. Leaving town a ‘low end’ supermarket was an ideal place to shop and replenish. Not so much of the tiny packs of things at astronomical prices. This is a locals shop and well stocked. I noticed a bottle of red in the basket when Jen arrived back at Poki!
The countryside is becoming flatter and more boring. The decision, weighing up Lillian & Rob’s route out of Bueno Aries, which included a significant section of rough road, we decided to head pretty much east to Bahia Blanca and closer to the coast, before driving due north, to the big smoke. There are very few, if any, redeeming features about Bahia Blanca, mind you. The only one being that prior to leaving New Zealand we had self adhesive series of major towns and cities printed, to be added to the maps on the side of Poki, as we passed or visited them.
Municipal camping Rio Colorado.
When cycling in France, we would always stay at Municipal camp sites. Never state-of-the-art but always adequate and value for money. Here in Argentina, the same pretty much applies, though some are better than others. Tonight’s camp is vast and with some shade, though we choose a site in the open on the basis that the sun will be below the horizon soon, and we have a grassy site.

Idyllic….it’s a myth.

Swinging the camera 45deg, a bridge that has a serious defect. There are trucks crossing it, bumper to bumper, both ways at a snails pace. Is that a steel bracing below the right hand span? .

Mobile bread delivery. “Hurry up, take the photo”, she said..:)
Tomorrow, Bahia Blanca, then north.. To where? to be confirmed…:)
PS. Kelvin, you reminded me of mum’s quote, “if your head wasn’t screwed on…. Do you remember dads quote? “if it had been a dog, it would have bitten you”. That tyre pressure gauge I had lost, miraculously I found it!…:) Two are surely better than one…:)
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I do, and now you have 2 to lose. Hopefully not. I don’t suppose you will try this, but old forest workers in NZ used to take a teaspoon of kerosine with their morning cup of tea, and insects wouldn’t go near them. Maybe a shot in your red wine would do the same thing. By the way, did you know red wine can give you gout. Just saying.
Ah! They were the good ol’ days when men were men. Probably tore the trees down with their bare hands.Maybe that’s why Ash is untroubled…:)
We solved the problem of mozzies by installing the internal net.
So your profligate ways are catching up on you. Watch some Barbara youtube videos instead of going to the Dr…:) You read it here…:)