I think the large nests in the trees are actually where the parakeets come to roost at night. After the cacophany last night had died down, we never heard another peep from them all night. They didn’t wake until after 8 am this morning and instead of the raucous squawking of last night, they were burbling and chattering away to each other. You almost wanted to be able to translate it, to understand what they were communicating.
Sleeping in the Caranex
Last night we tried an experiment. It was so hot yesterday. Quite a shock to the system for us for the heat has suddenly increased so dramatically. We thought we would try sleeping in the Caranex, to see if it was cooler than inside Poki. We made up the bed on the floor and it was perfectly comfortable. I slept quite well, but Dennis was bothered by the lights. The camp has a lot of lights all around. Today he has found they can be turned off, so tonight we won’t have the same problem.
We had the door to the Caranex open to let in some air. The only problem with this was it also let in all the things that bite. They had a feast on my left arm, which was obviously uncovered. A hazard with the lovely weather; it brings out the bugs.
Lazy Day
We have spent a very relaxing day, which we were badly in need of. A few tasks had to be taken care of. I cleaned out our cutlery box and scrubbed our tea cups, which get very stained. Dennis has been very creative and made up a new front number plate for Poki out of cardboard, with the number painted on with a heavy marker pen.
Number Plate Problem
The number plate got broken when Dennis accidentally trod on it getting down from the roof. Rob and Lilian have told us in Uruguay you need to purchase road tolls in advance. Once over the border, it is the first thing you need to do. You are given a sticker for your windscreen to show you have registered for tolls and a camera identifies your number plate every time you pass a toll. You pay for a certain amount and can top up if you need to. In its current state, our number plate will be a problem.
This afternoon I went for a walk to the end of the campsite. The campsite is very quiet. There are only about 3 other lots of campers. It is very green with many trees and next to a river. I saw a woodpecker and on the river, 4 young coots. It is a very pleasant environment.

Tomorrow we’ll be back on the road. We have had a slight change of plans and will head for Bahia Blanca and the coast, before going north to Buenos Aires.
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