There were serious black clouds gathering in the north east and it looked like we would be in for a serious dousing during the night. The Caranex was prepared before going to bed at 10.30pm. still quite light.
There was a frenzy of activity last night to get the blog updated, and Jen has already blown my cover there…;). She’s starting to get cranky by 10.30pm as she had not quite finished writing it and adding photos. “Relax” I said and we’ll deal with it in the morning. I bet you think Jen is always calm and unflappable, like me…:)
After another good sleep, though it was hot, as we had kept the roof vents low, in case it did rain. It didn’t. It dawned cloudy but fine in the morning, and we managed to get the blog posted, showered and and on the road by around 11am. Well, we leave the camp site anyway. We needed to refuel and buy some more provisions, in the town, before setting off.
Before leaving the campsite, Jen booked a 3 day Pass for the National Park. P60,000 for both of us, about £50 or NZ$110. Poki took 66L of diesel.
Torres del Paine National Park.
The road to the park is a mixture of seal, gravel, potholed seal and corrugations. It’s a busy road.
Our plan is to camp one night in the park before looping back down onto the R9 then crossing the border, just after Cerro Castillo in Chile, into Argentina and joining the R 40 north.
After entering the park, we are soon confronted with magnificent mountains and turquoise lakes. It’s hard not to use superlatives, but I think you will agree from the photos’s, it’s beautiful.
Not knowing if we are going to get better view points further along the road, we stop often to hopefully get the killer shot. I hate to admit it, but Jen with her piffling phone, got the prize today…pfff! What do you think…:)?
By 4pm we have located the camp site and after some minor repairs, have the Caranex erected, The sun is shining, it’s warm and I at least, have shorts on and a Land Rover T shirt. The T shirt compliments of Jen’s sister Caroline, who sends different versions at Christmas. She’s got good taste, that girl.
Righto Bridget, time for identification please? It landed right beside our vehicle. Comfortable around humans.
Joy is, listening to Maria Callas, turned up loud on our small but excellent, Bose speaker.
Today, for us at least, it’s the last day of 2024. New Zealand and Australia are already in 2025. In the absence of any way to wish family and friends Happy New Year, we sulk in solitude. Lets hope for everyone, 2025 brings Peace and Happiness. Jen slipped in a big bottle of Red into the shopping trolley, yesterday, so we will toast you all, and send our love.
She’s a bit fuzzy because she has already had one or two…:)
Views: 64
Wonderful photos, especially the one of Jen.
Happy New Year to you guys.
Hi Ash, Thank you and am sure you have plans for a Great year..:)
Oh by the way I have identified that creature you photgraphed, its a bird
We must be the first people to see one…:)
Not seen this bird personally, but expect it is a Caracara
Thanks Bridget. Isn’t Ash silly…:)
Charley says its a juvenile Caracara.
Hi Charley, we have two bird experts now. Lovely to hear from you. Are you seeing any interesting birds in Mexico?
Love from us xx