Day 120. Kinsgbugh. Durban. South Africa

Today we received a response from Stanley in Lome. “There is nothing I can do”. In response to our question, why a change in shipping plans? The question I ask, did he have the character to resist the change of plans, regarding the moving around of the container in Togo? Lovely guy that he is.

Port Gdynia has now departed Lome as scheduled, without our vehicles. What is unknown, is where is it going now? Regardless, there has been no enlightenment on that front.

We have to be positive in trusting that the shippers have got our interests in mind in rescheduling. We specifically requested that there be no trans-shipment of the container. I.e, it is dropped off at another port for a different ship to deliver to Durban. Which is exactly what is about to happen, with the attendant risks of the container being left behind, or damaged in handling.

Otherwise, another day has ticked by with a visit again to “The Mall” for more stuff. Oh, and a haircut. It’s four months since I have had a haircut. So I visited a barber and got the worst haircut ever. Sarah would be shaking her head…:). Anyway, there’s only two weeks from a bad haircut and, who cares!…laughing.


At Adam’s suggestion, now that we have fibre broadband and were able to connect to the Netflix and other entertainment channels, watched ‘Fury’. It’s not one I would watch again. It glorified blood & guts war and did little for Brad Pitt’s image. Adam will have to lift his game if we are going to watch any more of his suggestions. 🙂

Tonight we watched a Prime travel video about a German couple who set out to drive from Hamburg, Germany to South Africa in a Land Rover Defender, but never made it. It was a fascinating story highlighting the issues that long distance travelers face. Like many others they turned back from Benin. Thanks for the link Kevin.

With all this spare time it’s time to start reading again. The first book, Killers of the Flower Moon. by David Grann. A suggestion from Bill in Vancouver. A story about the progressive murders of Osage Indians who were receiving royalties for oil found on their land in the 1920’s, and the formation of the FBI.

Views: 66


  1. Adam Mark Molker

    Well I got the point…! No more gore, no more war nor gangster’s or horror movies for sensitive souls such as Dennis’. In case you wonder my next offering for him will be “Snow White and the seven dwarfs”

  2. If you’ve got Netflix I suggest the series Occupied, unless of course you’ve seen it, it’s absolutely gripping and topical!!!
    Love your comment Adam !! 😁

  3. Brilliant, thanks Wendy. Keep ’em coming. Hope there is no violence…:)

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