A hot sticky night, despite having the Caranex door open at the top to let air in.
The storm last night was epic in sound and volume of water. I was very happy to be sitting on meters of sand and not have to worry about floating away.
As Jen mentioned, one of the Howling Moon awning legs broke at the mounting point. There is a lot of energy in an unrestrained awning and foolishly, I had not anchored the feet of the supports, with tent pegs. We hadn’t expected a storm!
Making repairs
Once up in the morning, and Jen had mopped water up from the floor of the Carnex, I set about making repairs to the awning leg. Drilling out the broken pop rivet and removing the broken plastic insert. As the top of the tube was bent, cut about 30mm off with a hacksaw and joined the broken plastic insert and swivel with epoxy glue and re inserted it into the now clean piece of the aluminium leg.
Once dry, reassembled and the awning is back to full use again.
The day before we had gone down countless roads in the commercial section. No proper roads, just muddy tracks that recent rains had turned into a quagmire. There seemed to be sewage mixed in it too, so it stank to high heaven.
To try and reduce the smell, I filled the portable Helio shower and used the spray to wash the mud from the wheels and wheel arches.
Meanwhile, Adam and Jen went to find a suitable place for us to stay while we await shipping developments. Particularly they were keen to find the accommodation Adam had found the day before, but could not locate.
Adam & Jen return
Four hours later they returned with little to offer. The place they were looking for, was like a film set, totally over the top with ten huge rooms and massive furniture that had never been used Everything was covered in dust cloth. All this up a muddy, almost impassable track at the other side of the city. The incongruity of it all.
Jen had managed to secure a couple of food items to keep us going. We will spend another night here then go to a different Coco Beach hotel and take a bungalow. More expensive than beach camping but with facilities.

Out offshore, dozens of ships wait with blinking lights at night, for their turn to dock and unload, or reload. It’s like a city out there.
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