Days 77 and 78, Tuesday, 7th and Wednesday, 8th March. At Residence Bethany Palace in Abidjan.

Just to keep you in the picture, we are both battling from a nasty dose of the flu and are confined to our hotel room, with the odd trip to Poki to make ourselves something to eat. We are also still struggling with the requirements for our Ghana visa. Unbelievably complicated. Once we complete the online application and have an appointment at the embassy, it takes 5 days for our visas to be issued.

Adam has an appointment at the embassy this afternoon. We are awaiting his return to see how he got on. We are likely to be here for several days and with little of interest to report, will update you once we are on the move again

Views: 111


  1. Hope you both get better soon and continue your adventure.

  2. I would blame the flu on the air-conditioned accommodation. Did you find some new shock absorbers for Poki?

    • Hi John, am sure you are right about the aircon. Have just been talking to Gumtree about replacement shocks. It seems airlines won’t fly Nitrogen filled shocks. Could go back to oil filled. Am sure we will find some in Ghana or Nigeria.


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