Day 53. Friday, 10th February. At camp Sukuta in Serekunda in The Gambia.

A day of rest in this shady haven. Rest from the frenetic traffic and life outside. We had to catch up with various tasks though. Washing being the first priority. This German run campsite is long established. The owners have lived here for 26 years. There is order and a washing machine. What bliss. I didn’t have to hand wash everything. 

The fridge also needed a good clean out and my personal box of clothing etc needed considerable reorganisation. It is very difficult to keep everything tidy when you are being thrown about over speed bumps and constantly on the go. Some time to regroup occasionally is necessary. Things I need from my box, always seem to be buried. So, my box is now tidy, for a day at least.

We are staying here until Monday when we are meeting Mansour, the Manager of the International Freight Terminal at Banjul Airport. So, we will have a relaxing weekend until then.

During the afternoon Dennis, Adam and I were sitting around the table under our awning studying the map. Trying to plan our forward route. We were joined by our neighbours, Lars and Els, a lovely, young Dutch couple. They are driving a Toyota Land Cruiser and also hoping to make it to South Africa.

Beer was forthcoming and we spent a very pleasant afternoon discussing various travel options and then our life stories. Els told me about the WhatsApp Overlanding West Africa Group, which I tried to join. No picture on my Facebook or WhatsApp pages, so access was barred to me. Apparently identification is needed. 

Camp reception area.

This is when I long for the help of my grandson, Louis. So frustrating when I have put pics on Facebook and WhatsApp, but the Overlanding group still wants another picture. As yet I haven’t figured out how to add this. So frustrating. It makes me feel really stupid.

Eating out.

Not wanting to cook, we ventured out to a restaurant, The Kingfisher, recommended by Lars and Els. Dennis had red snapper, I had butter fish and Adam had chicken. All very good. On leaving the restaurant we stopped to talk to an English couple. Our sort of age group, they spend a lot of time here. They are friends of the restaurant owner and mentioned he had had a very tough time during Covid. No tourists and no government support. 

Shady and reasonably private

Back from the restaurant by about 8.30. Traffic still busy on the main road. Fortunately Adam remembered to bring a head torch, so we could find our way back to the camp along the unlit side road. Another early night.

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