Day 204. Wed. 19th Feb. Cenote Choj Ha to Isla Blanca. Above Cancun. Quintana Roo. Mexico.

It looked like three brothers were running this cenote business. Whether they owned the land or just set up shop around the hole, is unknown. It is an amazing cenote though. The cavern is huge and there are stalagmites and stalactites throughout. The water is chrystal clear with a slight blue tinge.

By 9am we were packed up and moved out of the campsite/carpark. The idea was to drive the 100k’s into Cancun, top up our supplies at Walmart and find a camping spot along the Isla Blanca peninsula. There are no roads shown on the map of the peninsula. We know there is a track along what is essentially a sand bank, with the Caribbean on one side and the Laguna Chakmochuk, on the other. 

Driving into Cancun it’s easy to see that there are parallel economies going on here. I’m assuming American money is turning the place into a holiday destination for Europeans. The best areas are becoming off limits to the locals, either through barriers or the cost of goods in the very large, exclusive, international brand but deserted, shops. There are shopping centres and hotels surrounding a lovely marine basin with the trappings of the wealthy moored in the marina. 

Stopping in a small recess area at the road side within this designated area, for some lunch. It wan’t long before a car pulled in behind us, observed and moved off. Within 5 minutes a security guard arrived in a ute with lights flashing, asking us to move on. We duly did, once lunch was done.

After topping up with drinking water from a coin operated dispenser that gives about 20L for 12 peso, (NZ$1.10), we headed north to find this kite boarding mecca.

The approach to the sand bank isthmus, which is about 500m wide and 20k’s long, is lined with brand new resort hotels and others under construction.  Along the rutted track, land on the ocean side is listed for sale. Locals who own the land are waiting for their bonanza. Pretty soon the whole isthmus will be off limit to all but fee paying tourists. 

Sarah and Tim are hoping that they can spend some time kite surfing in this area, as long as the winds are from the right quarter. 

Our entrance to the camping area and track along the isthmus, is restricted by the owners of a camp site and we pay 200 pesos to pass through their barrier. As to their right to this, we have no way of knowing, but we pay the fee and drive about 1 kilometre to find a lovely peaceful area. Our camp site is 2 meters from waters edge on the lagoon side, which has no wave action at all. Due a time zone change we lost an hour in our travels east, so it’s around 7pm before camp has been made. Darkness has descended. There is a moderate breeze keeping the temperature bearable. I think we are going to enjoy this place. Trouble is, wifi is haphazard.

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