First up, Happy Birthday to Deirdre, my eldest daughter. Hope you have a great day Dee…:). it’s wont be long before you have caught me up..:)
Today we are changing camps. It’s been a brilliant place to stay but it’s time for a change of scenery.
It wasn’t long after we were up and had breakfast then Jaxon was over to play Snakes & Ladders. He’s a competitive we soul but very kind and has developed the joy of giving. Rare in one so young. I won the game and he’s threatening me with annihilation..:)
The wind has dropped and that means it’s going to be stinking hot. Better to spend the mid part of the day driving with the windows down.
We head south to Tizimin then on to Valladolid for supplies. Valladolid (pop 52,000) is the third biggest city in the Yucatan province. It couldn’t be called a wealthy city, compared with Merida.
Impromptu performance
There’s a week to kill before we head to Miami to get the fridge issue sorted. The decision is to stay at one of the Cenotes for two nights before heading east to Cancun, and then up the coast to find a shady spot by the sea till Sunday.
The Engel agents in Jupiter, Florida have confirmed they have a repair kit in stock physically, not just on a stock list.
Boy! we are seriously doing it hard without a fridge. Fortunately Sarah & Tim are able to freeze bags so we can at least keep milk and butter cool enough to remain useable.
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