Today we are staying put. A day of rest.
Our german companions Heike & Peter are moving out but before they departed we had a great chat with them about their travels up through South America. Giving us some invaluable tips of where to go and where not to, too. They have been travelling for 14months in their diesel Mazda utility with a camper unit on the back. It’s their intention to spend some time back home in Germany before deciding where to go next. Safe travels folks and we will be emailing you with a place to leave your vehicle in Loreto, should that be of use to you.
By around 10.30am we made our way down the steps into the sinkhole which is known as a Cenote. The water is chrystal clear and in most parts, well over your head. Between 10am and about 1pm the sun shines into the chamber reflecting off the water and illuminating the silica formations in the dome roof.

Little Jaxon has developed a taste for jumping off the upper level platform about 10m into the water below. He cajoled me to join him. I’m no diver so went down feet first holding my nose. It took him quite a bit of psyching himself up to jump but he did it, again and again.

He’s such a gorgeous wee boy. Charley is not quite as adventurous but towards the end of the day, she also took the leap, No doubt after a lot of persuasion from her wee brother.
Not a lot else happened in the day except for some minor repairs and a lot of sitting around in the shade, talking and reading. I’m reading a book called ‘Anarchy’ by William Dalrymple.
Rest days are few and far between and so important.
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