After being disturbed last night by the fee collector not long after getting into bed, the night passed peacefully, despite the occasional fireworks.
I had to put a photo in todays blog. It was taken yesterday at the edge of the silica pools. A professional photo shoot was taking place and I couldn’t resist snapping the subject. What do you think?

It was a red sky, first thing and wetter in the Caranesx than out, due to condensation. However, there is a plumbing issue to be rectified as the portable loo, has sprung a seal leak. No need to elaborate..:). Suffice to say that repairs will be effected and effective!!
Sarah & Tim were keen to get away early but I’m not an early bird, so by 8.30am they were on their way. We followed an hour later. Missing porridge is not an option, but it takes ages to cook.
The sat-nav took us a completely different road than we came in on. Up, up, up over a pass on a tiny dirt track. We have learned not to question the sat-nav as out of the way excursions are nearly always enjoyable. This proved to be so too.
The trouble was that we worried that the others may have stopped somewhere to wait for us.
Most of the day we followed Highway 190 south east. Up and over another pass, taking us to 2600m before dropping down to 540m.
Jen talked about the processing of Mezcal. Today we passed area after area of the agave plant. It’s like a fad that everyone seems to be gearing up to profit from. The issue I see, is that apart from making some people wealthy, relatively, it seems to be a destructive operation. Not only from the ingestion of the strong alcohol but the fact that so much land and effort is being channeled into a non food item, the land is being stripped of trees, which are being chopped down to fire the stills, to produce the clear liquid. But what would I know!..:)
Now, by taking a different route from the others, we didn’t know if we were ahead of them, or behind! Before departing this morning we discussed two possible camping sites. The first, Santa Maria Jalapa Del Marques which was offering a lake side free camp or where we are now, it would take too long to spell..:). This place is where we found them, at 4.35pm. We knew they would be attracted to the clear fresh water swimming hole and the knowledge that the trees surrounding the water held a great variety of birds. It seems they were ahead of us but only just and had been to the lake side camp waiting for us to turn up. We must have missed each other by minutes.
Poki is going beautifully. Is that courting disaster?…:)
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