Brilliant win to the Silver Ferns. Kiwi’s, World Cup Champions of Netball and Cricket in a week…:).
I can hear the Pom’s muttering, “but we have the silverware for cricket”. Ah! You might have, but did you win? One run short seems to be the result. 🙂
Should it have been a Super Over? Or, should it not have been determined by the side that lost the least wickets in the original 50 overs? It’s like the Deans non try, All Black’s v Wales in 1905? Was it or wasn’t it? A topic still being discussed in Wales and NZ today…:). for the record, Wales won or is that Whales…:)
I think the Guardian summed it up nicely. Only 4.6m people, yet we do OK for ourselves. 🙂
We are doing OK for ourselves too. Jen was saying earlier in the day, “for the first time, it feels like we are on holiday”. The reason for that, is Nova Scotia. It’s wonderful. So relaxed and unhurried. Though we have arrived in Halifax, and it has the feel of any big city. Pop 390,000. The drive along the southern coast today, has been super. Lots of little fishing villages, inlets, coves, islands in bays. Picturesque.

As Jen said, we stopped at a campsite early last night. Fortunately because it ‘chucked it down’ . There was no drying this morning, so we had to pack up a wet Caranex.
There was a little anxiety yesterday afternoon as we were running low on diesel and had probably 50k’s left and were unsure where the next fill point would be. Happily there was a service station in the next town. Price, $1.159/L. I did the calculations on the running economy and am delighted to say we managed 31.1mpg for the last tankful. I’m very happy with that. She’s running beautifully.
The first duty on arrival in Dartmouth was to call around to AFS, a filtration company I had been trying to communicate with by email. As I’ve mentioned several times, I’m trying to buy a Donaldson Pre Filter. Anyway, I figured if I call and offer to pay ahead, they might order one for me to arrive tomorrow from Minnesota? Not so. We will wait till we get to the States.
Tonight the campsite is in Upper Sackville, about 25k’s north of Halifax. It’s going to pour again tonight.
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