DAY 33. Saturday, 1 June. Anchorage.

I chose the RV campsite we are staying at because it is the closest one to central Anchorage and has excellent wifi. The guide also told me it was next to the railway, so I was expecting some noise! I have to say it is one of the noisiest places we  have ever stayed. There are not many trains. The  problem with them is not the engine noise, but the incessant honking every time they cross a road junction throughout the city. What the guide did not mention is that we are also close to 2 airfields. The commercial one and a military one as well.  The commercial airfield is extremely busy for a place the size of Anchorage as it is the starting, or finishing point, for most cruise passengers. There were also a large number of military aircraft screaming around today. Are the Americans afraid the Ruskies want Alaska back! Fortunately at night most of the noise disappears.

Today we have remained stationary here in Anchorage and have done some catching up with domestic chores, communications and some minor bits of maintenance to the interior of the Land Rover. Things like the laundry, it is never ending, putting up a new bracket for the fire extinguisher and gluing some of the velcro round the windows to keep the mossy netting in tact etc

Chores done we went off to explore Anchorage. First stop the Anchorage Market. Here some sort of festival was taking place. Stalls of all descriptions selling everything from T shirts to handicrafts made from moose antlers and many types of food. As it was lunch time we decided on a large platter of halibut with chips and corn fritters with honey butter. How American is that! The honey butter was delicious, but seeing the large number of extra volume people about, this type of fare is only to be a very occasional treat! 

While we were eating we were joined at the table by a couple of Brits. They are about to join a cruise ship. We met several others while we were walking around the town all doing the same thing. There are a lot of Brits here on holiday. Yesterday evening we met a whole bunch of Kiwis here at the campsite. All travelling together in a posse of 6 camper vans.

Anchorage didn’t take much exploring. There is not really a lot of it. We made our way down to the river, as we had been told the king salmon were running. There were quite a number of fishermen spread out along the bank. Chatting to a local guy, we learned he had fished here for years. The river had been closed for fishing for a number of years due to pollution, but has now been cleaned up. However, there has been a drastic decline in the number of fish. in 2002 there was a maximum catch of 5 fish per day allowed and he said he would always catch this number. Today he had caught nothing and we probably watched for 20 minutes and didn’t see anyone catch anything.

While we were in the UK I read that there is a similar situation in Scotland. The companies that used to charge large amounts for fishing in famous Scottish fishing rivers are struggling as people are not prepared to pay for so little sport. Obviously this is yet another example of how we are destroying our environment. Very worrying.

The fisherman we chatted to also told us why there was so much military aircraft activity. Apparently Putin has been sending Russian bombers very close to the US border. Provocation, posturing? Of course, the US has to react and show their military might.

We came back to the Land Rover for afternoon tea and a lazy evening. Tomorrow we will start heading for Fairbanks.

Views: 37


  1. Logan Dalgleish

    Hi Dennis,

    Good evening from Portland! What an awesome adventure to follow! Its a lot of fun keeping up with these post’s. Great to see the Grizzly photo’s. Black Bears would make me nervous enough! I hope the Americans are treating you well in Alaska. Tok sounded pretty remote. My Wife Jaime and I are wishing you all the best! Safe travels to you both and looking forward to reading more about the adventure!


    • Hi Logan & Jamie, thanks for keeping in touch. Got some interesting pics for todays blog. More later…:).
      Glad you enjoying the journey with us. We investigating US visa’s and if successful could get to Portland for a catch up.

      • That sounds great Dennis, Oregon is a beautiful State (reminds me a lot of NZ in many ways) and the coastline is worth a real look. It would be fantastic if you could head our ways, we’d love to catch up – but totally understand there’s lots of variables! Will stay posted. Safe travels!

  2. Just caught up again on your travels…the lack of wildlife is interesting. During my first visit to BC in 85 wildlife wandering around on the roads was a persistent and potentially dangerous event.
    Similarly, I spent many happy hours salmon fishing on the Frazer river and it was literally like “shooting ducks in a barrel” and the abundance of bears was always a concern to the point where my family always carried guns for our protection.
    Great reading and pics guys, thanks..take care..

    • Hi Mel. Good to hear from you. Would have loved to have seen BC back in those days! Such a worry how we are losing all these species.Hope all good in the Park! Jen

  3. “extra volume people” – what a lovely way of describing those (I presume) who overflow the sides of a standard aircraft seat. There are two workarounds for the generous meal proportions (i) remember to take your doggy bag so the left-overs can serve as the next meal or (ii) order one meal for the two of you.

    • Hi John. Yes, you are right. the expression came from my days in the airline industry. You could not refer to a “fat” passenger. They were an EVP. Extra volume passenger! Jen

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