Wineham. UK.Thursday 4th April

We awake to a fairly bleak morning. Signs of spring growth but typically for the UK at this time of year, showers and sunshine and it’s very cool.

Thoughts are starting to gravitate to recommencing our relationship with the Landy later in the month. The things that have to be resolved before we start the journey. We are fortunate to have found a knowledgeable Land Rover garage owner in Vancouver and have had voice contact with Don of Revalution, who has experience of the TD5 engine. A great start.

What have we been doing in the interim period in NZ?

Most of the past 5 months for me have been spent in our garage and making great progress on the restoration of ‘Blerta’, the 1963 Humber 90 purchased approx thee years ago. Engine out and in bits, awaiting a rebore. Gearbox and steering out and in various stages of rejuvenation and beautification. The body is the biggest challenge and my panel beating mentor Mark, has been instrumental in giving me enough knowledge to cut out rust patches, shape and weld in new panels. The engine bay and boot spaces have been degreased, sanded and primed, ready for painting when we return later in the year. Jen has been very productive and engaged in the garden and clearing up after me..:)

We have also made application to join the Rotorua Veteran and Vintage car club.

We had the pleasure of hosting John & Fantu from the UK. John is a regular contributor to blog comments and is an amazing source of all sorts of information. This has been their third visit to NZ and it was great catching up. Boy! Did we have a brilliant summer! ,

It was wonderful catching up with family and friends too. A family wedding and many jovial evenings with brother Ash and partner Michelle, sister Liz and brother-in-law Chris. Friends Bob, Noel & Dee, Lindsay, Kevin and UK friends Marcus & Julie, who are back for their 14th annual visit. We are blessed.

Back to the present..

The Mini started first time after reconnecting the battery and within an hour of arriving. Despite little sleep for the last 36 hours, we are off to Sainsburys to restock the larder and buy a WIFI SIM card for the Russian modem.

In the pile of mail Jen found stacked up after 5 months absence, was a hefty package that contained six new volumes of Lonely Planet. Covering Alaska, Canada, US, with a separate book covering The US National Parks, Mexico and Chile. She’s a great organiser, my Jen.

TV and radio are endlessly trying to make sense of, or predict the next Brexit move. Will, they or won’t they leave? What is the appetite for another referrendum or election? How much longer can Theresa survive? Will Jeremy’s meeting with Theresa break the impasse? Will there be mass resignations if a certain faction don’t get their way? For me, its’ “what did the people say”! Not what do the politicians want? The rest should be easy. I say should..:) It was great to turn on BBC Radio 4 this morning and listen to a couple of in depth docco’s. The first on the Irish famine in the 1840’s and the second on the drama and intrigue of the Mugabe departure from Zimbabwe.


While it’s still a year or so away, we are watching developments in Africa. It’s interesting watching online, the route that Bridget and Topher of Expedition Earth, are taking. They are in Africa now after completing the America’s section last year while we were in Europe and Asia. Also, Kim and Jasper the Dutch couple we met in Uzbekistan, who were in Kenya, last time we looked and having completed a circuit of South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Kenya are heading back to Europe. Nobody seems to want to venture north of the southern African countries! Why?

Views: 50


  1. Good to see you back on the site. Look forward to Jens items
    Message to the May Government. The people have spoken. Suck it up. It is inconvenient but it is called democracy
    Enjoy Wineham. It is magic

    • Hey! Lindsay,
      Agreed. I haven’t turned the TV news on for a few days now. I cant deal with the political obfuscation. Fortunately there are plenty of rational things to watch and do. We are looking forward to getting back on the road but my guess is the time we are here will give the snow time to melt on the way to, and across, Alaska.

  2. Finally have had time to sit down in front of a computer for pleasure and ” will check out the gypsy’s blog”. Great to catch up on what you have been doing since leaving here.
    Keep them coming. Life is good and all well at 24.

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