It was cold last night. We resorted to jumpers and jackets -16deg brrrrr. but great for sleeping. Another night without rain.
After rising this morning we got chatting with Carlos. Carlos is looking after the campsite while the owner is away. We are kindred spirits, Carlos and us. He has a small flatbed truck that he has built himself a home on and he has also built a second unit which sits on supports, that he can swap, depending on his needs. Carlos also has/had a connection with a lady from Christchurch, NZ. Perhaps they met in France or Holland, where he had spent much time? It’s the people you meet that make the journey. Carlos, like Mauricio, is intelligent, passionate and talented. Wonderful.

On the road by 10am after a cold dribbling shower. The municipality must have cut the water supply just before. Jen had had a lovely hot shower.
it’s a historic town, Villa de Leyva and here are pics of some of it :-

Very Spanish central square.

A LHD brother to one of my earlier Land Rovers.

While trying to find our way through the town, up and down a myriad of narrow cobbled streets sightseeing and looking for a way out, Jen spotted a small corner cafe. The idea being to buy a loaf of bread, but she quickly came back to Poki saying “they have seats inside”, meaning how about a cup of coffee! I pulled Poki in closer to the curb and set to join her, but a young guy arrived just before me. When seated at different tables waiting for our orders, he turned around and asked, “which one’s the Kiwi”? For the next half hour we were engaged in an animated discussion. Kieran is from Christchurch, NZ also and is back-packing around much of South and Central America. Maybe we’ll get to swap stories back home at some point?

Today’s destination.
After leaving Villa de Leyva and for the first hour or so we are on torturous roads, sealed but winding and rising all the time, maxing out at just under 3000m. For much of the afternoon a dual carriageway appeared and motoring was effortless. Our destination, Zipaquira.
There is a salt cathedral in Zipaquira. Jen has done her homework, so after checking into a hotel that conveniently has off road parking, suitable to accommodate Poki’s height, we hot footed it for a 15min walk up the road to the cathedral.
After providing our passport numbers and home phone numbers we were able to part with a small fortune, more than the cost of our hotel room for the night, to gain entry.
The Salt Cathedral.
Prehistoric formations with thick salt deposits between rock were quarried from the 5th century and provided an economic boom for the period. In the 1950’s the mining tunnels were further excavated for the formation of a cathedral, with huge caverns being quarried, each depicting Christs trials. The complex is colossal, having three levels and descending to approx. 600ft. The area covering approx a square kilometer. Costing US$285m. Colombia is a deeply Catholic country. Sadly, the audio commentary was almost totally dedicated to the cathedrals religious significance.

The entrance.

One of the 21 chambers.

Chandelier carved from salt crystals

When booking into the hotel, the receptionist immediately turned the TV on. Colombia were about to start playing Argentina in a game of soccer, being played at packed stadium in Barranquilla. Jen threatened me with divorce if I didn’t turn it off and start walking to the salt mine…:)
Fortunately I got to see the last 10 minutes of the game when we returned. What beautiful football the South Americans play. Colombia were victors by 2 – 1. The city was almost deserted.
It’s much cooler here. late teens would be my guess. Not unwelcome after Cartagena and points lower down, elevation wise.
Tomorrow we head for Salento.
Views: 83
Great to hear of your continued odessy, but even greater to ‘accidently’ hook up on whatsap. The bond is still strong, (despite your dodgy political leanings). Get Poki into long cog and get some k’s up bro, or you might have to take up citizenship. Stay safe.
Hi Bro, yes, great to chat live. You haven’t got a day older, just like me…till I looked in the mirror…:)
As for political leanings, I’m going to have to sit you down and explain why I love Donald Trump…just joking, but unless Kennedy has influence in the next election, it won’t matter, ‘cos the lights will go out ‘all over the world…:)
Just be good to Jen!
Nice post. It’s strange the people you meet in unexpected places. Hope you are enjoying your trip. Mike
Hey! Mike & Wendu..:)
Great to hear from you and yes, we are loving it, thank you.
Hope you enjoying your summer…:) Still cycling every day?