Thursday 19th October. Arundel, Sussex.

While there is not much happening in our immediate world, there have been massive developments elsewhere. Firstly and vitally, we have a new government in New Zealand, not Aoteora. The previous administration were trying to foist on us inhabitants, without a moments consultation, a new name. The arrogance. There were so many other undemocratic actions being taken that Jen and my continued residence there, was being seriously considered. Maybe we would have had to keep driving around the world for the rest of our lives…:)

Several weeks ago you may recall, a most unexpected contact from an American, Kevin. Kevin, who I had given a ride while he was hitch hiking around New Zealand in 1981, had decided to seek me out. It seems that he was able to find and contact me though this blog. How amazing is that! Here he is as a young man with my youngest daughter Sarah, prior to hitting the road again. We continue to communicate. Ironically he and wife Mary will be in NZ again soon, but leaving before we arrive back, some time in November.

With two world cup sporting events going on, rugby in France and cricket in India, I have been glued to the TV watching the rugby, and the computer, following cricket. Haven’t there been some amazing performances in both codes! Lesser cricketing nations acquitting themselves with honour, and the favoured faltering

A week or so ago, Jen decided we need to see more of this amazing country, so booked a trip to Arundel town. Arriving in Arundel mid afternoon yesterday, we set out to see what we could of this historic town in the pouring rain. The Cathedral and St Nicholas church the latter (below) refurbished in the 1300’s.

before taking refuge, tea and cake, in this cute shop.

Spending the night in the Norfolk Arms Hotel, we entertained ourselves watching recent YouTube films of BlueLandy and the German and Spanish couple who have shipped their Landy from South Africa to South America.

Arundel Castle

Fortunately the morning dawned dry after a very wet night and we drove the several hundred meters to the Arundel Castle car park. The entry fee to the castle was £55 ($130NZ).

It’s an incredibly imposing structure. Massive would be one way of describing it. With origins dating back to the arrival of the Normans from France in 1066. It has undergone a number of renovations and extensions, the largest in the late 1800’s.

One entrance.

The modern private accommodation wing, for the Duke of Norfolk.

One of many halls…

The library. Sigh!

Don’t read this if you are a sensitive soul…:)

Poki update.

A positive development in Poki’s transport. The Santa Clara berthed this morning in Durban and I think we can now go ahead and book our flights home. YAY!!

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