Tomorrow we are on the move again. Well when I say we, I mean Jen and I. Adam is still fighting the endless mindless bureaucracy to have every ‘i’ dotted and ’t’ crossed to achieve registration for his Landy, Zikit.
Its hoped he can achieve the “stamp” that is holding him up, by early next week. He has an agent. Yep, despite his prodigious intellect, he needs an agent to understand the “system”. Probably only a matter of knowing who to bribe!
The plan is to drive to Kokstad which is only a hundred odd k’s away as the next stage is through the unsafe area of Transkei and there will be nowhere safe to sleep till we get to Kei Bridge, where there is a nice camp site. It’s hoped Adam will catch up with us before we get to CapeTown.
Maintenance for Poki
Yesterday afternoon TuneServe, the local Land Rover repair shop, emailed to say Poki was ready to pick up.
On arrival Poki had been washed and cleaned and looked a million dollars. Jeff, the owner had given her a thorough inspection and decided that the coil springs and shock absorbers all needed to be replaced. Also, the suspension bushes all round. He also did an oil change and replaced some brake pads.
Jeff deduced that the reason for over-fueling was the air filter. Now, several years ago I decided to ditch the OEM filters and buy a cleanable, reusable filter set. Which would mean we could clean them and reinstall them without needing to carry loads of filters.
K&N are an American brand of filter which are supposed to improve both performance and filtration. I had suspected the injectors needs refurbishing but Jeff wasn’t so sure. Anyway, he fitted an OEM (original manufacturers specification) air filter and hey presto, a huge reduction in black smoke under acceleration. We have only done a few local kilometers since, and I’m not so sure about performance, but it certainly runs cleaner.
TuneServe are very professional and efficient, I love that. They Looked for potential problems rather than just doing what you ask them. They have great customer service too.
Today we have been rushing around doing last minute chores like having Poki inspected, minutely, for Third Party insurance! Having a key cut, as one of the keys snapped off in a padlock on a roof box and filling with diesel.
I have installed safety film to the inside of Jens’ passenger side window to hopefully thwart any attempt to break the window or reduce damage of a rock been thrown through it.
Tonight we hope to watch the last of The Tudors on Amazon Prime, not Netflix as previously mentioned. It has been an absorbing, though very risqué, and gruesome. Not for the faint hearted.
Poki has been packed and primed for an earlyish start in the morning.

We are going to miss the sun and sea for some time. It’s much cooler in CapeTown.
Views: 72
Hi Steve, onward indeed and loving being on the road again.