It’s 8.30pm and we are parked just above the high tide mark on the beach at Cap Skirring. Well, I’m hoping we are are above the high tide mark and there are no King tides during the night!
We, being Jen & I and Lars & Els. Adam decided that he would rather stay at the last night’s camp in Siguinchor. He has suffered quite badly from mosquito bites and is having a mosquito net fashioned for the rear door into his LAND ROVER to reduce The number that get in during the night. We’ll return to the camp tomorrow and then all three vehicles, cross the border into Guinea Bissau together.
This morning, after a steamy night. I’m talking relative humidity here, we all met at 9.30am to discuss plans for the next stage of the journey.
The first objective, to visit the Guinea Bissau Embassy 2.5k’s away by taxi. We all need visas’s for entry. Each visa costing 25,000 CFA or €38 each. I have to say, there is now an air of optimism regarding our progression through Africa. The intel about Ivory Coat and Nigeria is more favourable. Let’s see how it pans out.
The other subject was to visit Cape Skirring.
Cap Skirring
Once back at the camp we packed up and drove the 70’s out to the coast. Though we tried to find parking accommodation in guest house along the beachfront, there were none that could accommodate our vehicles. So, we decided to drive away from civilisation and camp on the beach. There are a couple of dozen cows for accompaniment. Otherwise, it’s deserted.

What a difference there is in the attitude of the people in this southern part of Senegal. Gone for now, the grasping oppressive crowding around us and begging. I can only assume that less Europeans make it down this far.
The first act on arrival at the beach, was a swim. The sea is quite choppy but very warm and hugely refreshing. Adam doesn’t know what he’s missing.

Now it’s 9pm, the temperature is 21.5degC. There is a slight onshore breeze. Gone the oppressive humidity of the inland camp. We are both looking forward to a more restful night.
Views: 65
Hi Steve,
Hope the building is now livable…:)