Not a lot to report today, I’m afraid. It was a very bad night, as we were nearly blown away by the wind. We had had to move pronto, as the tide rapidly approached the Carinex tent. Dennis has reported on our difficulties keeping the tent from blowing away, when the pegs didn’t want to hold in the sand. With the constant flapping of the tent, I’m surprised we got any sleep at all.
Being a Saturday the beach was soon swarming with local kite surfers and tourists, mainly from the US, hiring equipment. The sky was full of multi coloured and sized kites whizzing in all directions. I am amazed they don’t get their wires crossed. Am sure if I was out there, I would cause all sorts of mayhem snagging other people’s wires.
Dennis and I decided to pack up the tent and move once again. In the dark and rush last night we were not well positioned. Feeling lazy, we just parked next to Tim and Sarah’s truck, plonked our chairs down and watched them surfing and read.
After lunch we decided we would drive down the beach to the showers. It must be a week since we had a proper one. The guy wanted to charge us 20 pesos each. We’ve been paying 200 Pesos a night to camp and not using the facilities, as we’ve been too far down the beach. After a bit of an argument the manager agreed we didn’t need to pay. The showers were pretty decrepit and the water freezing, but it still felt good.
When we returned we found a more sheltered spot behind some shrubs and on harder ground to set the Caranex up on. As I write the wind has dropped, so hopefully tonight will be more peaceful.
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