Day 138. Sunday 29th September. Chris Flat Campsite to Boulder Creek RV Park. Lone Pine. Calif.

We were expecting rain yesterday, but it didn’t happen. 

Snow was forecast for today and we got it during the night. I had to get up to answer the call at 4am and was greeted with a white-out. Here I am standing there with only the wrapping I arrived in, and it’s too cold to complete the objective!!

Do you think I could get to sleep at all? My feet were frozen getting into bed and never recovered, despite the warm duvet.  

Up at 7am, It was 0 deg in the cabin. The 8000ft altitude no doubt a contributing factor. We had difficulty lighting the Coleman cooker as the gas in the igniters had frozen. A bit like my toes..:) We resorted to using Russian matches. 

By departure time at 9am, much of the snow had melted. Further down the valley there was no snow at all.

The day dawned beautifully fine. Driving through the mountains the scenery was spectacular. 

Our main objective today was to visit Yosemite National Park. However, at the entrance to the access road, on the eastern side, there was a Road Closed notice. It seems deep ice had formed on the road overnight and it is even doubtful it will be melted by tomorrow. So, we decided to head for Death Valley. 

Just before the start of Hwy 136 to Death Valley we stopped at the WW2 Japanese internment camp, at Manzanar. After looking around the museum, we watched a 20min film which recounted the experiences of the interred. I had not heard of Manzanar until buying a great CD a couple of years ago called Wounded Heart of America. On one of the tracks Laurie Lewis sings about the tragedy. Tom Russel wrote it and compiled the CD. Ronald Reagan apologised to the Japanese people and over nine years, paid some compensation. 

A little further down Hwy 395 we found an RV camp at Lone Pine. With full facilities we will catch up on the bags of washing to be done and take a well earned shower. Jen feels she is coming down with another cold. Just after throwing the last one. I’m still not right but on the mend. 

I’d like to share an experience I had three days ago while sitting on the foyer of Walmart at Altura. The image is still with me. I looked up from the computer in response to the double click cowboy boots make, due to the forward facing heals. Wearing the boots was a tall dude, I guess 6′ 2″ of angular, well made build. He was wearing a cowboy hat, worn but clean faded jeans with big buckle and red plaid shirt. His gait was steady and measured, like his stiffly moving arms. The face, grey and like the eyes absolutely expressionless. My immediate impression was, this figure is a stone man.

The latest shocker from the Rugby World Cup. Japan beat the world No1 team, Ireland! Australia went down to Wales. It sounds like the referee’s are being targeted as responsible. Who would want that job!

Views: 41


  1. Hi Dennis and Jen, it was cold in Portland last night. The last few days the temp has plummeted. I hope those new tires are working a treat! The photo’s you took of Crater Lake looked amazing. We’ll have to make a trip down there sometime. Stay warm!!

    • Hey Logan, yep, tires working beautifully as is the wagon. The Crater Lake is amazing, is is the drive in.

      We are back in the warm weather again as we go further south.

      Hope all well with you two.

      Us 🙂

  2. Bruce and Jan here from Calgary Alberta Canada, just checking and we see you are having a great and wonderful trip. Keep it up and stay in touch. Things here are good and we too are getting the snow but it is to warm up and all go away later this week.
    Nice Pictures keep populating the site it is wonderful to see you two creating the experience other people only dream of! Great!
    Hurry back soon, our door is always open to you.
    Bruce & Jan

    • Hi! Bruce & Jan, great to hear from you. Big Smile. We loved our stay with you and will be back. I’m pleased to say we have warm weather and sunshine now in Shoshone, though cold in the night and morning. Just as we like it..:)

      Us 🙂

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