Trying to get away from the camp site this morning was a challenge. So many people to chat to, about all sorts of things. Our last discussion could have gone on all day. It was with a Rail Engineer or Train Driver, in NZ. He was a real nice guy. It was about politics. I can hear the groans..:). It didn’t take him long to ask what we thought of their President, and we went on to discuss the last election. We were eventually on the road by mid day.
The drive from the camp to the present one was sublime. Beside a river all day in a narrow valley with fir trees covering the mountainsides. I was “in the groove”. The road surface was good, speed limit 55mph and continually winding, flat road. It was like driving the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia. Glorious sunshine and beautiful scenery. I have to say the Landy is going beautifully too. At one point there was a big ute with a caravan on the tray, pushing behind me, but on the corners it was no contest and he was soon left behind, with no use of the brakes.
Tonight we are in a small settlement just outside the Clearwater National Park having done 140 miles for the day. Adequate if maintained, to get us to Portland by Thursday.
The BIG news of course is what is happening in the UK. MSN NZ news provided a great up-to-the-minute report on the likelihood of a General Election. The stakes are rising! Surely this is unprecedented since the stand-off between the Roundheads and Cavaliers in the mid 1600’s, for control of the country!
On that note I will close with some pic’s of the days journey to soothe frayed nerves…:)

Oh! Cathy our Graphics designer, has very kindly inserted the stories John and Pat wrote up in 2016/17 editions of the Land Rover Owners International magazine, when they toured NZ in 2016. It’s worth going to ‘Links to Other Journeys and Adventurers’ on the Main Menu. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on each link, to enjoy real travel writing.
Views: 21
Hi you 2 what a trip you are having you shouldn’t need a holiday on a trip like that, glad the landy is doing ok they don’t make them like that anymore.We would think Mexico and Columbia could be a dangerous place to travel through.Are you still on coaches or have you retired Dennis,going to Cornwall tomorrow and then down to Horsham on the 21st.Anyway you two take care of your selves J&M.
Hi! John & Margaret, it’s OK for you two, swaning around in your retirement. Someone has to work to pay for it…:)
Be careful in Cornwall, they voted to Leave down there…)
We hope to be back in NZ by November for a month or two to do couple of tours. One, an English group. Also to do some work on my Humber.
Mexico and Columbia will be fine. Not many mass shootings down there since El Chapo was locked up!…:)
Take care.