It’s a very different life now, living in a place that is not mobile. However that is how it’s going to be for the next month. We are back in Blighty while the Land Rover is on it’s way to Vancouver, Canada. The estimated arrival date for it is 18th October. In order to give the wharfies time to unload the ship, we plan to arrive in Vancouver on or about the 22nd. The task then is to find a garage or mechanic to undertake the required work, then it will go into storage until we return for Stage 11 in the spring next year.
To keep my hand in, I am trying to source a load of parts to arrive in Canada before us, so we can provide the mechanic or garage, with the bits needed to do the work and not be hamstrung by availability in Canada. Trouble is though, it’s like drawing teeth dealing with companies here. Nobody returns your calls or emails. “Why bother, there are plenty of other people who want our stuff” seems to be the mantra. Thank god we live in a different society in NZ, though I guess that will change as the population grows. I hope not.
The political situation the UK is……fluid, I think you could say. There is endless babble over Brexit. The Remainer’s are trying to push for another Referendum, the Leavers just want it to happen, and quickly. Regardless of your preference it is surely damaging the country with the continual sniping and lack of direction. While I am no Mrs May supporter, I totally agree with her that the people have chosen to leave, and that’s what she is going to deliver. You only have to listen to any of Yanis Varofakis’s (former minister of Finance for Greece) discussions on YouTube, regarding the ‘democracy’ operating in the EU, to realise that there is no space for negotiation that does not completely benefit the EU. Not a cent of the EU Greek Bailout monies went to Greece, instead, to the European banks that were the country’s lenders. This morning on BBC Radio 4 there is the reported “sniff” of an Autumn election, in the papers, ridiculed by the Tories, of course. The people here are fatigued by the discourse.
Our arrival back in NZ should happen around the October 31st. I think it’s fair to say that we are looking forward to that. The lawns have been cut but the garden is going to take some work by Jen, to be ready for planting.

Complete and bought for a song…well….
I am also looking forward to continuing the restoration of ‘Blerta’, my1963 Humber 90, For those in the UK, it is a badge engineered Hillman Super Minx Mk11. It’s not an iconic vehicle but it’s within my limited capability to restore.
It also looks like my services are going to be needed in the Tourism industry again this season too, with my employer wanting to know my availability.
There is much work to be done planning Stage 11 next year also. While I really enjoy touring with 30 or 40 “adventurers” from different parts of the world, it’s exhausting and there are so many other things to do.
Jen has come up with a question :- What were my Top 10 greatest memories of Stage 1.
So, here they are. Not necessarily in order of preference
- St Petersberg
- Stalingrad
- Muslim Architecture in the ‘stan’s
- Interaction with readers on the blog site
- Day 2 in Mongolia (Day 89)
- Jaguar land Rover staff in Russia
- Norwegian scenery
- Meeting people on the road. Fellow travellers, locals & friends
- Wakhan Valley Tajikistan
- The Land Rover.
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