Day 141. Friday, 17th January, 2025. From Municipal Park San Carlos de Bolivar to an Airbnb Apartment in Fitz Roy Street, Palermo Hollywood District in Buenos Aires.

Municipal Park.

When we arrived yesterday afternoon the park was deserted. It is a huge park with a lake, swimming pools and many areas with seating and food trucks. We had to check-in with the park attendant. He was a rather officious gentleman. After parking in the cool under some trees, next to the swimming pool, we were checking out correspondence and relaxing , before putting up the caranex.

Suddenly cars, motorcycles and bikes surrounded us with dozens of children of all sizes being dropped off at the swimming pool. The parents didn’t stay. The children were being monitored by several uniformed supervisors. It became noisy with very excited children playing in the pools, so we decided to move away and set up Poki in a quieter spot.

As the evening progressed the food trucks opened up and the whole park became a hive of activity. After we had had dinner we decided to walk around the lake. We were accompanied by cyclists, roller-bladers , dog walkers and joggers. This morning we left the park around 10 am and it had returned to being very peaceful.

Incidents en route to Buenos Aires

After an hour or so, we came across some ladies in distress. A puncture which they obviously didn’t know how to fix. Dennis came to the rescue. The mum, grandmother and two girls were extremely grateful for the help. The grandmother saying God had sent us! Dennis had the wheel changed in no time at all and we were on our way again.

A short time later we were waived down by a young man in a small red car. He said it needed water. Dennis thought the problem was more serious, a blown head gasket. He had flattened the battery trying to start it. Dennis said he would tow him to the next town. This he proceeded to do, but the guy managed to get the engine started again. He didn’t want to be towed and wanted to drive on. Dennis topped up his water, but a bit later on he was broken down again. This time we didn’t stop.

Heading in to the outskirts of Buenos Airies, we took the toll road. It was quite expensive, but fast and we easily found Fitz Roy street in Palermo and the block this apartment is in. The apartment isn’t very large. Just one room with a king size bed, a breakfast bar and a small kitchenette area and a bathroom. We’re up on the fourth floor and have a small balcony, where we can look down on Poki parked outside the entrance.

We were going to find a car park, but Dennis thinks Poki should be safe outside here. It is a reasonably smart area and busy.

For dinner we found a local restaurant with a bit of character. The portions were enormous, washed down with a local beer. On the way back to the apartment, we stopped to buy some fruit to go with our porridge for breakfast. Tomorrow we’ll go and investigate the city.

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