A day of achievement..:)
Well, on a very minor scale. Underachievement would be a better description.
We both got haircuts.
Another walk to town. We decide to walk instead of uncoupling the Caranex. Mmm, the legs are complaining just a little bit, but that has to be a good sign?
The hairdresser for our 11am appointment for the haircuts, had decided to call in sick. Great! We really needed that walk!! The salon is right next door, and in the same building as the travel agent and I suspect Ana saw our displeasure and must have phoned the hairdresser, who it seems, condescended to come in an hour from now.
Meanwhile a visit to a classy looking cafe for a coffee and hot chocolate and a large apple square, which we shared and £14 pound for that, (or the peso equiv). Thank you!!
Ushuaia critique.
It’s an interesting mix, Ushuaia. Some really classy looking and stocked shops with top brands but most of the streets are dirty and dusty, many not even sealed. Motorists courtesy is very contrary to other countries on the continent. They stop at almost invisible pedestrian crossings and there is little of the suicidal overtaking, though junk yards are full of crumpled cars.
At 12noon we returned to the salon and were cheerily greeted by the stylist, who set about re-beautifying Jen. It was soon my time and it didn’t take a couple of seconds to remove the surplus hair around the edges. I had done a touch-up job with the razor yesterday, but no substitute for the expert.
Cruise ships.
There were a number of different cruise ships tied up at the wharf today. It’s interesting to see how the bow design has changed from the traditional “Titanic”, high bow and raking 45deg cut down to the water line, to the very opposite, with the upper bow sloping backwards and blending in with the superstructure, and the waterline ahead of the upper deck. I guess that reduces the thumping into high seas. It will be interesting to see the ship we are booked on. The SH Vega was Built in 2022 but the only photo I have seen of it, doesn’t show the bow.
The walk back to the camp was leisurely and we stopped at one point to enjoy the colourful lupins.
Closer to the camp there is a Dairy style shop, that sells meat. We bought two thick slices of rib-eye steak, hoping that it would be more tender than the one I had yesterday, in the restaurant. Argentina is supposed to be the meat eating capital of the world, and their steaks, the best. Mine yesterday was a huge slab of meat with gristle running through every mouthful. Jen was happy with hers. In my experience, a great steak is a rarity and I’m totally disillusioned with the stuff.
Sadly the ribeye steak pieces, were also a little tough!! I give up. Lamb or chicken, in future.
Two best friends…:)
A little political background on New Zealand.
A young Swiss couple arrived in a ‘Wicked’ camper. I had a chat with the male who was asking me about the haka performed in parliament recently. He said it was all over the internet.
It’s a shame that spectacular events get promotion with very little balanced explanation as to what it was all about. The immediate perception is the underdog is being ill treated. It couldn’t be further from reality. A small radical, vocal portion of Maori, are attempting to re-write history and take-over the running of our country, to run it as their fiefdom. The end result, should they succeed, will be a replay of South Africa’s parlous state. There is A Bill before parliament to ensure every Kiwi, no matter their ethnicity, is treated equally before the law. This does not suit Maori!
The tragedy is, very few Kiwi’s understand that. I could write a book about it but will spare my readers…:)
Today’s – Thought for the day.
“If you can’t beat them, join them. If you can’t join them, it’s probably because you just tried to beat them.”
~ Author Unknown
Views: 72
Have a wonderful trip to Antarctica folks, sounds thrilling. Glad to hear you are ” brushing up” to look you best for the cruise, but shoe polish Dennis, a bit ott, spit ?
You cruise ship VEGA will be rock solid. That’s the name of my old employer in Germany.
Still reading and enjoying you daily blogs.
Thermals on ?
Hey Mel, Glad you haven’t been turned off yet. Great to have you keeping an eye on things…;)
How are things for you?