Day 33. Monday 30th September. Ambato – (El) Tambo. Ecuador. 102 miles or 164k’s.

We checked into a hotel last night as there are no camping grounds in the area. Also, the weather was not looking great. I was looking for a good night’s sleep.

It didn’t happen, the good nights sleep. I was so tired that after Jen cooked a great meal for us in Poki, I crashed in bed, way too early and paid the price due to lack of digestion. I have also been worried about Poki’s overfueling problem too. On top of that, bloody dogs nearby, barked non stop.

The tiredness has accumulated over the last week or so and yesterdays drive did not improve my mood. It was a nightmare.

A new day

Today, despite the sore eyes, was a completely different experience. It didn’t take too long to leave the heavily populated towns behind and enjoy the countryside for it’s industry and mostly great roads. The most enjoyable day’s motoring since leaving Cartagena.

We passed Chimborazo, the highest mountain in Ecuador and once thought to be the highest in the Andes at 6310m. Sadly it was covered in cloud.

The valleys, though endlessly deep are cultivated even on the sheerest walls. The soil is black and obviously fertile.

Much of the day we were in and out of the clouds at well over 3000m, peaking at 3700m.

The town of Chunichi. A typical Andean town.

Gone the endless grinding big trucks, and traffic generally, was light. Lots of up and down still, but Poki seemed happier.

At one point we came across a light truck that obviously had cattle in it. It had turned over on it’s side and a young cow was trying to free itself from the tangled mess of covers and ropes. It was severely distressed and bellowing. Men were trying to get ropes around it’s neck and legs to stop it running down the road.

Destination Cuenca.

While encamped at Pasaj Cap in Guatemala in 2020, locked down for three months during the Covid nonsense, two Americans shared our prison. Paul and Pam were heading south to Cuenca, to set up home. Now four years later and through Sarah and Tim, we are going to visit Paul and Pam tomorrow and learn how life is for them in their new country.

For much of the afternoon Jen was busy looking for accommodation for us online. By 3pm we pulled off the main road down a crammed road to find a hostel. $19 and immaculate in every way. Smallish room but own bathroom TV, wifi and use of a completely stocked kitchen. As this facility is shared, we chose to cook and dine in Poki. Not a bow tie affair, but the food was excellent.

It’s cold up here at just over 3000m. Unbelievable to think we are on, or very close to the equator!

Tomorrow we will reach Cuenca, about 80k’s away. It’s a very historic city so Jen will update our experiences later in the day.

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