An important day, for the following reasons.
1st. It’s my grandson Jaxon’s 11th Birthday. Happy Birthday Jaxon I hope you are having a blast and we look forward to seeing you all and giving you a BIG hug, in South America soon.
2ndly. And very importantly for us, Poki was loaded onto the MV Wakayama yesterday and all things being equal, will be steaming, or more accurately these days, motoring towards Cartagena. It’s due in Barranquilla at 7pm this evening and here in Cartagena, on the 25th.
Jen has managed, despite the best efforts of her bank, to convince them that the money in her account is hers, not theirs, to allow the required funds are released, in order to pay the local shipping agent. Doing it this way we avoid credit card fees. The attitude is, we don’t trust you!
The America’s Cup relegation races have begun in Barcelona. It’s going to be interesting to see who has mastered these big hydrofoils, best. And yes, New Zealand has skin in the game…:) To some, it’s probably like watching paint dry, but a small error can have serious consequences when the yachts are traveling at such high speeds. Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland and the US are also competing. May the best team win. Well….:)
Friends progress
I’m pleased to report that friends Allison and Andy also John have recovered separately from their man made virus and are on their way to their respective destinations. Keep us posted folk, we love to hear how you are progressing
Have not heard anything further from brother, Ash. Where and how are you, Ash?
A couple of photos to break the monotony..:)

The tiles are perfectly flat…but also provoke minor nausea..”_

A little colour.
- Footnote. Sadly Jen’s Nikon camera is not up to the job. While it’s a compact, well made camera that has a great zoom and takes clear photos, it’s inability to focus when faced with multiple close items in the viewfinder, will not allow the picture to be taken. So, I have just ordered a new, second hand Casio on E-Bay, from a gentleman in Bulgaria!! What could go wrong? The camera will be delivered to Wineham and will be collected in due course, hopefully..:)
Views: 67
Can’t wait for the next episode, and to hear that your beloved Poki has arrived safely!
Ang x
Hey Ang, lovely to hear from you. Nor can we…:)
Hope Martin is enjoying his tennis. He’ll be watching the rugby next weekend, I’m sure. Could he support the AB’s?…:)
Ineos have done well in the latest America’s cup race v Alinghi. The first team to pass after the start, so far…:)
Hope you are both well.