We are faced with difficult choices. Stay in the cool, relatively comfortable environment of our room and vegetate, or head off out into the furnace and struggle in the heat and humidity? Yesterday we struck a compromise, go out “after the midday sun”.
So, with nothing much more to add, here are some photos of the afternoons ramblings.

This photo gives a better perspective of the scale of the fortification relative to a modern part of the city. no, that’s not the taxi I left my camera in. So Mel, I googled the Taxi company and there are about five of them and all the taxi’s look the same. It’s gone..:( However, Jen’s camera is filling the void.
Alison, hope you both quickly recover and can continue your journey!.

Part of the old city walls.

Spanish colonial architecture

How to deal with holes in the pavement..:)

It seems Colombia has some of the best Emeralds. I wonder how Jen knew that?..:) An interesting museum with a retail sting…:)

Next, a visit to the historical museum showing religious tolerance of the time. Apparently people needed their skulls crushed…along with fingers and hands…

and to have a collar to restrict their movements….

and every church yard needed a guillotine..

Especially for the crimes!

I guess we’ll get to see more of these as we get further down into Bolivia and Peru..
But over the road, there were rambunctious festivities going on in the square on a public holiday.

The original Singer???
While sipping a pineapple cocktail in another square..

It’s now about 4pm and on the way back to the accommodation, the sadder side of life.

I had no coins for him, but would it have made a difference? This guy was definitely alive

A mortar, you might say, built to last!
Poki is scheduled to be loaded for Cartagena in 3 days time. Drip by drip.
And John, I hope you can start your cycling tour to Italy, on Thursday. Another Covid roadblock!!
Ash, where are you?
Views: 61
Hi Dennis, Jen, now in Inverness, I really like this city, am spending 2 nights here as storm due to hit tonight, nobody told me it rains in Scotland.
Loving keeping up with your blog, might update mine tomorrow.
Hi Ash, delighted to hear from you. Am looking forward to reading of your experiences in the Hebrides, on a pushbike. You are way too old to be riding bikes. I’m going to see if I can get a law passed against it..:) Can you remind me of your blog address, as last time I looked you were in Wales and was having difficulty getting the latest updates.
I have fond memories of riding to Inverness, (wrong, it was Aberdeen) two up with Ernie, in 1966 on our BSA Lightning Clubman, while England were winning the World Cup. The hospitality was amazing. They were the days of the oil bonanza in the North Sea. It’ll be good to find dry shelter from any storm. As Billy Connolly said, just buy yourself an anorak, you’ll love the place…:)
Us 🙂