Day 86. Thursday 16th March. Dormaa Ahenkro to Kumasi

As for the roads, they are an absolute disgrace. Lonely Planet portrays Ghana as a vibrant dynamic society, the jewel in the crown of Africa. How quickly, once nepotism and corruption seep into the channels of power, society quickly degrades.

I can hear the sermons in the churches of the UK, Scotland, the USA and no doubt from the antipodes too, proclaiming the impact their stipends and donations are having on improving the lot of the locals in Africa. Churches of every kind are represented. Many are nicely painted but they are empty in every other respect. My guess is the Church lobby is a powerful force in Ghana politics.

At our camping stop for tonight which is in Kumasi. Kumasi is a huge city and a population of 3.34m.

Our accommodation is a hostel for battered women and a transition point for NGO workers but with space for overlanders. We become acquainted with a several lovely young ladies from Europe. All speaking flawless English and in their early 20’s. they are employed by NGO’s to work in the field. Full of the zeal for giving and making a difference. No, they got no payment for their work, many of them working in the most difficult environments. “Are you making a difference to peoples lives”, I asked, a young Austrian nurse, not fully trained, and her young German companion. They looked at each other and said in unison, No. Who is profiting from their endeavours?

What is a failed State

Presidents come and go. Some with the objective for change and good, the rest to plunder the treasury purses. A few days before leaving Abidjan, in discussion with an individual who had the distinction of sitting next to the current president of Ghana on a long flight and judging by his philosophies said that Ghana will become another failed state.

Failed states are unable to cater to the needs of their population.

In New Zealand, some of my family ridicule my prophecy that NZ will go the same way, if current racialised laws are enacted. All I can say is it’s hard to put the genie back in the bottle, once released. I wish I could share your confidence.

Views: 121


  1. Very sad to read this but I agree. The political situation, corruption and religion are a real challenge for the people of Ghana. The religion aspect was particularly heartbreaking for me to witness, extremely poor people donating what little money they have to extremely wealthy priests. It’s hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel of struggles for the people there.
    Enjoy the beauty in Ghana, the people, their joy for life amongst their hardships.

  2. Great to see you gaining your health and to see your blogs again

  3. Hi both,
    You are so right about NZ. In fighting has already begun between tribes.
    What does that say for later.
    Den. Your recent health problems scare us.
    You need to be careful.
    Enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your photos.
    All the best for the continuation of your trip.

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