Our breakfast, of porridge, was eaten with a lovely view over Peter’s Pond. After we had packed up we followed Bill back to Highway 16, the Trans Canada Highway, following an easier road out this time. Turning onto Highway 16 we had a good view of Pocahontas Mountain.

A very straightforward drive into Edmonton, following Bill. We arrived at Bill and Susan’s at about 4pm and were greeted by their two dogs, Sam and Bella. Bella is an extremely boisterous and excitable retriever and leapt all over us, but is an excellent guard dog.
Susan prepared us a superb dinner of roast chicken, followed by rhubarb, a special Jamie Oliver recipe, and ice-cream. We have been really spoiled.
Dennis is hoping to fit the fuel filter and do some other maintenance tomorrow. I have to fill out the application forms for our American visas. We need visas as the Visas Waiver Scheme only allows us to spend 90 days in the US and we need longer. We also need to do a bit of work on getting the blog up to date.
The weather forecast for the next 4 or 5 days doesn’t look good. Rain and more rain. From the news we are seeing on Bill and Susan’s TV, there seems to be flooding in many parts of the world. I think the UK being one of them.
Tonight we are sleeping in a proper bed for a change. It has been a while since we have experienced such luxury.
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